Awards Season 🏆

The Spring market is upon us, which means its also awards season - which ALSO means, social media begins to flood with realtors sharing their successes from the previous year. It’s an annual content staple for the industry - rightfully so, those who worked their tail off want it to be known. But more often than not, the content doesn’t go much further than a little gratitude, thank you note (which is still great) sometimes just a little boasting — but this is a BIG missed opportunity.

I encourage you to go deeper, share with audience the reasons behind your success…
Is it your systems, your stellar support staff, white-glove service, your team leverage, your unparalleled marketing efforts, your experience and expertise? Share a story or two that sheds further light on WHY you achieved your award.
2022 was a tumultuous year for the markets, there MUST be something worth sharing of how you pushed through the change and supported your clients. Its an opportunity most don’t squeeze enough - wring it dry - connect, build trust, your audience will not only support and congratulate, but be educated - WIN WIN.

Congrats to all those with successes last year — well deserved. 🏆


10 Ways to grow your business with AI 🤖


Ok, let’s be honest, the bar is pretty low…